Apply for passport online login
Apply for passport

Quick Guides

A Indian passport is an officially-issued document that permits the holder to travel to and from foreign countries. It confirms that the holder is a citizen of the issuing country, confirming the holder’s identity apply passport online.

Why is a Passport Necessary

A passport is a document issued by the government of the holder’s country certifying the holder’s identity and citizenship. It is necessary if an individual wishes to travel to a foreign country as it serves as the only acceptable form of identification. It used as an identity document within the holder’s country or overseas.

Types of Passport in India :

There are 3 main types of passports issued by GOI under the Passport Act, 1967. They are -

Type-P / Ordinary passport- P denotes Personal. These are Ordinary passports issued to ordinary individuals. They are general purpose passports that citizens normally use for travel on holiday or business.

 Type-S / Official passport- S denotes Service. These are Official passports issued to people travelling abroad on official government/state work.

 Type-D / Diplomatic passport - D denotes Diplomat. These are Diplomatic passports issued to people who always travel on official government work including those posted abroad.

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Identity of Passport Holder :

The information is provided on the opening cover:

   â—¾ Type (S-stands for Service; D-stands for Diplomat; P-stands for Personal)
   â—¾ Passport number
   â—¾ Country code
   â—¾ Surname
   â—¾ Nationality
   â—¾ Given name(s)
   â—¾ Gender
   â—¾ Place of birth
   â—¾ Date of birth
   â—¾ Date of issue
   â—¾ Place of issue
   â—¾ Date of expiry
   â—¾ Signature of the passport holder
   â—¾ Photo of the passport holder
   â—¾ Information page comes to an end with MRZ (Machine Readable Passport) zone

The information is present on the closing end:

   â—¾ File number
   â—¾ Old passport number
   â—¾ Address
   â—¾ Name of spouse, mother, father or the legal guardian

How to Take Appointment for Passport online :

1: Login To the online Passport Seva portal with registered login Id.
2: Click on Apply for Fresh /reissue passport.
3: Fill the required details in the form and submit.
4: Click the Pay and Schedule Appointment link on the View Saved & Submitted Applications screen to schedule an appointment whereupon an appointment slot will be allotted to them.

New User Registration

Step By Step Process For Passport Registration

 1: Go to the governments official "Passport Seva" website, which is

 2: On the left pane, there are four options in different colors - Green, Orange, Blue, and Yellow.

 3: Click on the orange button, which says "New User? Register Now."

 4: A form opens, which has to be filled.

 5: By default, the radio button "Passport Office" is clicked. for an Official/Diplomatic passport at the consular, select the option "CPV Delhi."

 6: For the field "Passport Office,'" choose the name of the city as per the residential address.

 7: In the "name" field, enter the first name and middle name.

 8: Enter the date of birth in the format: DD/MM/YYYY.

 9: Enter the email address.

 10: The next section involves processing the login ID. For this, new Id generated or the login ID same as the email ID.

 11: Enter the password, which contain one uppercase alphabet (A-Z) or lowercase alphabet (a-z) and one number (0-9). The combination must contain a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 14 characters.

 12: Re-enter the password for confirmation.

 13: Pick a hint question from the drop-down menu and answer in the respective box.

 14: Enter the captcha code and click on the "register" button.

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Existing User Login

Step by Step Process for Passport Login :

   â¬— The registration process is complete, use the respective passport login ID to proceed.

Logging In :

   â—¾ Go to the official online Passport Seva portal, which is
   â—¾ On the left pane, there are four options in colours - Green, Orange, Blue, and Yellow.
   â—¾ Click on the green button, which says "Existing User? Login."
   â—¾ Enter the ID and click on the "continue" button.

Choosing Application Type :
  1. Logging in will give you access to the site, taking you to the Applicant Home page. Here, you can choose to apply for a
  2. Fresh passport / Passport Reissue
  3. Diplomatic passport / official passport
  4. Police clearance certificate (PCC)
  5. Identity Certificate
  6. This page contains a link to view applications that saved and submitted. you submit your application form, you can return to this page to view it.
  7. Clicking on apply for fresh/reissue of passport on the applicant home page will take you to the next step of the process which is filling up the application form.
Filling the Application Form :

    ⬗ The application form can be filled in two ways viz. Offline or Online

Offline: Fill the form offline and upload it completed.

  1. if you choose to fill the form offline, click on the link provided to download the form in soft copy. (Note - Acrobat Reader version 9 or above required)
  2. It will take you to the page Download e-Form. Here, a link to an electronic form for each of the provided.
  3. Fresh/reissue
  4. Police Clearance Certificate
  5. Diplomatic/Official
  6. Identity Certificate
  7. Click on the appropriate link to open/download the e-form.
  8. Fill the application e-form
  9. Click on the link Upload e-form and upload/submit the filled in application.
  10. Online: Fill the passport application online without having to download/upload it.
  11. If you choose to fill the form online, click on the link provided to fill the online passport application form.
  12. You directed to the page Passport Type where you will have to choose between the follow
  13. Fresh or a reissue
  14. Normal or tatkal
  15. Booklet of 36 pages or 60 pages
  16. Validity of 10 years or Up to 18 years of age or Not Applicable - Choose Not Applicable if you are an applicant over 18 years; Choose 10 years or Up to 18 years of age if the applicant is a 15 to 18 year old minor
  17. Click on the Next icon at the bottom right corner
  18. This will take you to the subsequent pages denoting different sections of the application to be filled. These sections are left hand side of the page in the left navigation bar. These sections are
  19. Passport Type (current page), Applicant Details, Family Details, Present Address, Present Address 1, Present Address 2, Emergency Contact, References, Previous Passport, Other Details, Self-Declaration Submit the duly filled form

Schedule, Pay and Book the appointment :

  1. You will have to schedule an appointment to visit passport seva kendra (PSK) where you will present yourself. You can locate the PSK for your area on the portal.
  2. Go to the Applicant Home page and click on the View Saved/Submitted Applications
  3. display a page containing details about the application form you submitted. It shows in tabular form the ARN, File No., Applicant Name, Appointment Date and Submission No.
  4. Select the ARN of the form you just filled.
Below the table are various options, viz.

   â—¾ Retrieve partially filled form
   â—¾ Pay and Schedule Appointment
   â—¾ Print Application Receipt
   â—¾ View/Print Submitted Form
   â—¾ Track Application Status
   â—¾ Track Payment Status
   â—¾ Payment Receipt
   â—¾ Upload Supporting Documents
   â—¾ Appointment History
   â—¾ Click on Pay and Schedule Appointment
   â—¾ This initiates your payment process. It begins with Choosing your mode of payment. You can choose from two payment methods, viz.

Online Payment - This is for payments via Internet Banking (SBI) or through card Debit or Credit Card (SBI or others).

  Challan Payment – This is for physical payment paying cash at an SBI branch or paying cash at PSK going as a walk-in  

Track Application Status

apply passport online login
apply passport online

Check Status Passport Online?

➨ To do this you have to visit portal the pass- port website  and on the home page you will the option to Track Your Application Status. Clicking this link will redirect you to a page where you will have to key in the information -

➨ You will have to select from 3 different options. 
     â¬ª Application Status
     â¬ª Diplomatic/Official Application Status
     â¬ª RTI Status

➨ If not pertaining to diplomatic passport or RTI applications, choose the first option application status.

➨You will have to key in your file number. The file number contains 15 alphanumeric characters and is mentioned on the Acknowledgement Letter. This letter end of the application process at the PSK at the exit counter. It issued at the end of the manual application process at the DPC, SPC, CSC. You can check passport status by reference file number.

➨ The field require you to fill in your DOB. You check passport application status by date of birth.

➨ If you have submitted this information correctly, you will move to the Status Tracker page. Here, view the details
    ⬪ Your file numbers
    ⬪ Your first & last name
    ⬪ The application submission date
    ⬪ The online passport current status

Check Appointment availability Status

Check Appointment availability Status  :

 payment is made the next step is to book the passport appointment

 If you choose to pay online, you can move on to booking the appointment immediately.

 If you choose to pay through cash/challan -

 Take the challan provided to an SBI branch and pay the required amount in cash. is after 3 hours of  generation. The challan is valid for only 85 days from generation.

 Collect a copy of the challan from the receiving bank personnel

 The bank will take 2 days to verify your ARN details on the challan given

 Successful payment will be displayed on the website post-verification where you can track the payment status. Alternatively, an email update will be sent to you.

 On successful payment, online or via cash, you can Schedule the appointment

 This page available dates for appointments at PSKS under the relevant Regional Passport Office (RPO). It shows your Application Reference Number (ARN)

Select a PSK based on available date

Enter the displayed code and click on the Next icon at the bottom right corner.

 For regular applications, select the Normal appointment Quota; For tatkal passport application, choose the tatkal appointment quota

 You have to Pay and Book the Appointment.

 Details about your application will be shown on this page, including your Application Reference Number (ARN), your name, what your applying for, the amount to be paid and your contact number. It will show the appointment date.

 all the information is correct, click the icon at the bottom right corner for appointment payment and booking.

 On successful completion of payment, you will receive an Appointment Confirmation and an Appointment Number

 This page will display details about the appointment viz. your Application Reference Number (ARN), name, birth date, what you’ve applied for, the appointment quota. Normal or tatkal, the chosen PSK, your passport application Appointment Date, Time and passport application appointment ID (which is the passport application appointment number displayed at the top of the page)

 Click on Print Application Receipt at the bottom right corner

Tatkal appointment opening time

The steps to order to apply Tatkal Passport.

Register yourself at the official portal of Passport Seva.

 Every individual will be given a unique ID and password. Login with your ID and password.

 You will be presented with two options- Fresh and Re-Issue. Choose the applicable option.

 Select Tatkal option in the scheme type.

 Download the application form and fill the form

 Submit the form online

 Complete the payment procedure

 Print out the receipt online payment

 Book an appointment at the nearest Passport Service Kendra

List of Documents for fresh Passport

List of Documents for fresh passport  :

  Address proof:

â—¾Photo Passbook of running bank account in any public sector bank, private sector bank and regional rural banks.
   â—¾ Rent agreement.
   â—¾ Aadhaar card.
   â—¾ Spouses passport copy
   â—¾ Certificate from Employer of reputed companies on letter head.
   â—¾ Proof of Gas Connection.
   â—¾ Election Photo ID card.
   â—¾ Income Tax Assessment Order.
   â—¾ Electricity Bill.
   â—¾ Landline or Post-paid mobile bill.
   â—¾ Water bill.
Age proof :
  1. Birth certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths or the Municipal Corporation or other prescribed authority that has been empowered under the Registration of Birth and Deaths Act, 1969.
  2. Declaration given by the Head of the Orphanage/Child Care Home on the official letter head confirming the date of birth of the applicant.
  3. Driving license.
  4. Pan card
  5. Election photo Identity Card
  6. Aadhaar card or e-Aadhaar
  7. Extract of the service record of the applicant government servants Pay Pension Order (retired government servants)
  8. Policy Bond issued by the Public Life Insurance Corporations/Companies which contains the date of
  9. birth of the holder.
  10. School leaving certificate/ Secondary school leaving certificate.

Applying for a fresh passport

Documents required submitted minors proof of address applying for a fresh Passport online 

   âž® First & last page parents passport copy.
   âž® Election Photo ID card.
   âž® Aadhaar card.
   âž® Photo Passbook of running bank account in any public sector bank, private sector bank and regional rural banks.
   âž® Rent agreement.
   âž® Spouse passport copy
   âž® Certificate from Employer of reputed companies on letter head.
   âž® Proof of Gas Connection.
   âž® Income Tax Assessment Order.
   âž® Electricity bill
   âž® Landline or Post-paid mobile bill
   âž® Water Bill

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