The computer has become an indispensable and multipurpose device. It has become a basic necessity of life and it is difficult to imagine life without it Generation of Computer. 

 The computer is, basically an electronic device for performing arithmetic and logical operation, or it can be said that “computer is a device or a flexible machine use to process data and convert it into information.” 

nGeneration of Computer
Basics of Computer

 For many people, a computer is just a device uses for calculation or computation, actually.

Development of Computer

The computation is done since the aid of devices general one-to-one level utilizing fingers a form of the tally stick possibly the first counting device. people in the Crescent region began record keeping by using calculi, clay, spheres, and cones. 

These aids use with time people, gradually, began to follow certain steps to calculate with stones, giving birth to digital counting devices. These proved to be the predecessor of the first device invent for calculation, the ABACUS.  


Abacus use to do quick additional and subtractions mechanically. it initially develops in the 10th century by the Egyptians, it the Chinese who give it is a proper shape in the 12th century. it comprises of a wooden frame with rods fitt from one and to the other. The rods have round beads slid onto them, which represented different numbers according to their position. The abacus has an upper section called heaven and a lower section called Earth.  

The Von Neumann Model

The way the algorithms are a map to the hardware of a computer has been modernized and the quantity of circuits which can be added to the silicon wafers too has changed. the basic concept of computer design has remained unchanged. Von Neumann devices the computer architecture in such a way to enable is to store in to store the program interaction and data it is memory.   

every computing device was made for a single, specific purpose. The programming entailed the circuits to be rewired manually and snags ware difficult to detect or rectify.   

 Von Neumann’s architecture has the computer with three main components:
  • A central processing unit (CPU)
  •     Memory
  •        Input/output (I/O) interfaces.
Von Neumann’s architecture
Von Neumann’s architecture
Generation is a term used in the connections with the changes or development in the computer’s hardware and software technology over some time there are mainly five computer generations commonly accepted to date.

Types of Generation of Computer

First Generation of Computer

The computers used in the period 1946-1959 are concert consider first-generation computers.


The main features of this generation are:
  • Vacuum tube technology
  • Unreliable as prone to the fusing of installation enter
  • Supported machine language only enter
  • Expensive
  • Generation lot of heat
  • Show input and output devices punched card, paper tape, and magnetic tape
  • Huge size
  • Non-portable Consume lots of electricity
  • Mainly used batch processing operating system

Some Examples of a computer on this generation
  1. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
  2. EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator)
  3. EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Automatic Calculator)
  4. UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Calculator)
  5. IBM-701
  6. IBM-650

Second Generation of Computer

The computer uses in the period 1959 1965 consider second-generation computers. In these computers, magnetic cores served as primary memory and magnetic tapes and disks as devices for secondary memory. 

The main features of this generation are:
  • Use of transistor
  • Reliable compare to the first generation computers
  • Smaller in size to the first generation computer
  • Generated less heat as compared on the first generation of computer
  • Consume less electricity in comparison to the first generation computers
  • Faster the first generation computers
  • Stilled expensive
  • A.C. was need
  • Supported machine and assembly languages FORTRAN and COBOL
  • Utilized batch processing and multi-programming operating system

Some Examples of the computer on this generation
  1. IBM 1620
  2. CDC 3600
  3. UNIVAC 1108
  4. IBM 7094
  5. CDC 1604

Third Generation of Computer

The computer uses in the period 1965-1971 is consider third-generation computers. Jack Kilby had invested integrated circuits (IC’s) which replace transistor. An IC comprised of multiple transistors and capacitors connected to the associate circuitry. 

The main features of this generation are:
  • Use of integrated circuits
  • Smaller in size
  • Faster the first and second generation of computer
  • Dependable and efficient
  • Consume less electricity
  • Stille expensive
  • Needed alternative current
  • Supported high-level language FORTRAN- II TO IV, COBOL, PASCAL PL/1, BASIC and ALGOL-68
  • Utilized Time sharing, Multi-programming, and Remote processing operating system

Fourth Generation of Computer

The computer uses in the period 1971 1980 is considers a fourth-generation computer. They used Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) technology which involves around 5,000 transistors and all other circuit elements along with their linked circuits place on a single chip.

The computer was portable, reliable, powerful, easily available, and economical. They did not require AC to function. There distributed operating system has features people line processing, real-time, network, and time-sharing. The high-level language C, C++, DBASE, and use in these computers. The concept of personal computers (PSS) brought to the fore and the internet introduces. There was a major program in the field of networks.   


 The main features of this generation are:
  • Used Very Large Scale integrated technology
  • Smaller in size
  • Faster the first, second and third generation of computer
  • Stille expensive
  • Not AC require
  • Supported high-level languages C, C++, and DBASE
  • Utilize real-time, network and time-sharing operating system

Some Examples of a computer on this generation
  1. DEC 10
  2. STAR 1000
  3. PDP 11
  4. CRAY-1(Super Computer)
  5. CRAY-X-MP (Super Computer)

Fifth Generation of Computer

A computer uses in the period 1971-1980 is considers as fourth-generation computers. They use Very Large Scale Integrated(VLSI) technology involving microprocessor chief which comprises 10 million electronic components. High-level languages C and C++, Java, and .Net were utilizing in this generation. 

The multimedia features of the computer file user-friendly interface the computer were powerful, compact, and economical. The main features of this computer include in progress in parallel processing hardware, progress in superconductor technology, and development of true artificial intelligence (AI) of natural language processing. AI is an upcoming branch of computer science that interprets procedures of enabling a computer to think like humans. 

Fifth Generation
Fifth Generation

The main features of this generation are:
  • User-friendly interface
  • Natural networks
  • Robotics
  • game playing
  • natural language understanding and generation
  • expert systems to decide in your real-life situation

Some Examples of a computer on this generation
  1. Desktop
  2. Ultra-book
  3. laptop
  4. Chromebook
  5. Notebook

Types of Computer

A computer can be classified based on their size, speed, and computing power.



It is a single-user computer system with a single chip and a moderately powerful microprocessor. The different types of microcomputers are:
  1. Desktop computer
  2. Laptop
  3. Notebook
  4. Tablet

Mini Computer

Mini Computer
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known as a minicomputer mini. It is a class of small computers that was introduced to the world in the mid-1960s. A minicomputer is a computer all the characteristics of a large-sized computer, its size is smaller. A minicomputer is located between the mainframe and the microcomputer its size is smaller the former and larger the latter. minicomputer is a mid-range computer. Minicomputers primarily multi-user systems one user works simultaneously. It is a mid-range computer.

Main Frame

Main Frame Computer
Main Frame Computer

Its multi-user system, like a microcomputer a technology different minicomputer. It uses to handle and process a large amount of data in banks and government officers.



It is the fastest and most expensive computer system. It uses for complex scientific computations and numerical calculations weather forecasting, nuclear simulations, and astrophysics.

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