Software is a set of instructions or programs used to instruct a computer to perform specific tasks. the set of instructions grouped into a program that can be used to carry out certain tasks from the hardware. Softwares are intangible entities we cannot touch, feel it. 

Computer software, operating system
Computer software

 The classification of software based on their applications:

classification of software
classification of software 

 The system software is a combination of programs, which help in the function of a computer, include controlled manage and resources peripherals and other applications. The system software is classified as follows: 

  1. Operating system: It is system software an interface between the user and computer it helps in managed various hardware devices, maintain the file systems, and function of the application program. Few popularly used operating systems are Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
  2. Utilities:- There is the system software that helps in analyzing, configuring, optimize, or maintained computer and computer resources anti-virus software, zip/unzip files, disk defragmenter, and file manager.
Application software is a set of programs used to perform a specific task, a word processing or spreadsheet, application software to handle all the systems of the hospital. Applications software are classified as follows:

  1. Generalized packages:- user-friendly software Word processing software for prepare documents MS Word, spreadsheets for data analysis MS Excel. 
  2. Customize packages:- application software is developed or customized specific requirement inventory control payroll system.   

Computer Hardware Definition Of Hardware and component

Operating System and Other Software

The block diagram of a computer for the operating system:

respect to the operating system
 respect to the operating system

The three most commonly used operating systems for personal computers are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

Microsoft windows

Windows is an OS owner by Microsoft. It is different open-source software in the sense that only Microsoft can make changes to the code. installed on different kinds of computers, by various manufactures, giving a wide range of choices for hardware to the user.   

 The latest version of windows is 10 which includes touch screen support. This combines the usability of a touch screen tablet and the power of a desktop laptop computer. the “Play To” and “Remote Media Streaming”. 

 A processor running windows OS has two modes:

    ➩ User mode
    ➩ Kernel-mode

The Windows hardware abstraction layer is an interface between the hardware and the rest of the OS. It hides differences in hardware components and provides a consistent platform for the kernel to run. This layer includes hardware-specific code that controls multiple processors, I/O interfaces, and interrupt controllers.   

 The architecture of Windows OS:  

architecture of Windows OS
 the architecture of Windows OS

The operating system has four major functions:

1.Process Management A process is a functioning program comprising of code, data, some specific resourceS assigned to it, and certain levels of execution through its code. The assignment of resource to the processor is controlled by the system OS.

2.Memory Management The OS has to share a memory with an application program. It manages the memory management hardware of the computer and decided which memory locations a process may access. It controls the assignment of memories is to the processes.

3.File System Management A large magnitude of information has to be conveyed, processed, or saved on a computer. The file system comprises of a systematic set of abstract file system objects. The OS renders the essentials to manage these objects.

4.Device management The transformer of information in a computer takes place through the various input and output devices. Processes use the system call interface to access these devices. The OS has to control the devices in such a way that they are properly shared by all the processes needing them. The programming interface made available to the services by the OS is termed as the system call. It is commonly written in C/C++ language.  

Directory structure

The root directory is Windows OS is represented as “drive:”. For example, the root directory is generally “C:\”. The directory separator is a”\” but the OS also recognized a “\” internally. The folders which appear in the root directory for a Windows OS:

Windows directory structure
Windows directory structure



  Utilities of Windows depend on the version a user is using. some common utility for Windows as per the different version of the operating system:

Common windows utilities
Common windows utilities


  The steps should perform to install the Windows operating system on the computer:

Steps to install windows operating system
Steps to install windows operating system


Mac OS

 Mac OS X Unix-base graphical OS developed by apple. design runs only on apple’s Macintosh computer. After Microsoft Windows, Mac OS second widely used desktop OS. In the early years, Mac OS had a negligible number of types of spyware and malware which have affected the windows users.  The share of usage of Mac OS is smaller cap compare to windows. Apple regularly releases security updates for Mac OS. The latest version of this is Mac OS 10.12 Sierra.   

Functionally, the Mac OS architecture consists of several layers. The base level of the operating system is Unix core. The next layer is the graphics and media layers, which consist of core Audio, Open GL, Core Video, Core Image, and QuickTime. comes the application framework, components Carbon, Cocoa, and Java. It provides a working interface to the user.   

The architecture of Mac OS:

architecture of Mac OS
the architecture of Mac OS

Directory structure

The Mac OS file system stores the files within folders for directories. The topmost folder in the root directory. Folders located within the root subdirectories. the root directory is referred to. Within the root, by default, there are several additional folders. These include the Application folder that store programs and the Users folder that stores the home folder information for each user account. 

Some directories of Mac OS:   

directories of Mac OS, Some directories of Mac OS
directories of Mac OS


  The list of some common utilities of Mac OS

common utilities of Mac OS
common utilities of Mac OS


  install a version without removing data. The step to install the Mac OS:

step to install the Mac OS
 step to install the Mac OS


Linux is free and open-source software. The main component of the Linux OS in the Linux kernel

The user interface, called the shell, maybe a command-line interface (CUI) or a GUI. For any desktop system, the default mode is usually GUI. the available through terminal emulator windows independent virtual console. 

  Linux OS has Three components:
  • A kernel is a core of Linux OS. it is responsible for the major activities of the OS. It interacts with the underlying hardware components directly with the help of its various modules. It hides low-level hardware details, providing the required abstraction to the system.
  • System libraries special programs used by the system utilities and application programs to access Kernel features.
  • System utility programs are mainly concerned with specialized and individual level tasks.
  The architecture of the Linux OS:

architecture of the Linux
the architecture of the Linux

Directory structure

  The directories of the Linux OS:

directories of Linux
 directories of Linux 


 Some of the common utilities of Linux:  

common utilities of Linux
common utilities of Linux


  To install, update, or remove software is Linux, certain package managers used: 

  • Synaptic package manager 
  • Package kit 
  • Yum Extender   
 Most of the major Linux distributions contain extensive repositories. Users can:

  • download the pr-compiled packages from websites directly, 
  • Install the packages from unofficial repositories or 
  • Compile the source code by themselves.   

Other Software

System software includes the OS and utilities. A field technician should know about the utilities that are compatible with the OS version. The person must be able to search for the utilities that are correct for the user and install them on the system.   

  1. Commercial software 
  2. Mail server software 
  3. Remote access software 
  4. Antivirus software 
The general step of installing software on any operating system:
general step of installing software
general step of installing software

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